Captain’s Blog

Horn Creek 2010

Western Night Sheriff
From Horn Creek 2010 View in Google Earth

This year, the RP Midwest Presbytery conference at Horn Creek was entitled Christ our Cornerstone: The Church Moving Forward by Standing Firm. Rut Etheridge spoke about the Emergent Church Movement, and called us to place our focus firmly on Christ.

Since I was recovering from a shoulder injury, I scaled back my sports participation a little bit and instead took the opportunity to hike up Horn Peak on our day off. It’s not a 14er, but it’s extremely steep, and Dave’s ultra-marathons sure have paid off. I was bringing up the rear the whole day. The clouds hid the view a little, but it was still quite spectacular, and the lightning and rain stayed away.

For me, the highlight this year was the consecration service given by John McFarland, who challenged me with the question, “What does Christ have to do in your life this coming year for your sanctification?” I liked how he included the truth that sanctification is God’s work without taking away our responsibility to press ahead. I also really enjoyed the discussions we had in the cabin in the evenings (thanks, guys).

July 31st, 2010 Posted by | hiking, photos | no comments

Sunday Stroll

From Siamese Twins

After a wonderful Sunday dinner, some friends and I went on a nice stroll in the Garden of the Gods out to the Siamese Twins, a rock formation that kinda resembles two faces looking at each other, if you find the right angle and squint a little. I couldn’t find the right angle this time around.

May 22nd, 2010 Posted by | hiking, photos | no comments

Grays and Torreys

From Grays and Torreys

Jenna, Phillip, and I hiked the Kelso ridge (class 3) up to Torreys Peak, from there over to Grays, and then down the normal route with all the people. On the way up, we could look out across the valley and see at least 200 people at any one time on the normal trail. On our trail, we saw only seven other people. Class 3 is the way to go if you aren’t afraid of heights.

September 14th, 2009 Posted by | hiking, photos | no comments

Laramie, WY

From Laramie

Craig, Keith, and I took a trip up to Laramie to visit our friend Bob Hemphill who is starting an RP church there. It was a fun weekend. We spent some time in the Snowy Range on Saturday, where I saw my first moose ever (actually, three of them). On Sunday, we went for a walk in Vedauwoo after church.

August 11th, 2009 Posted by | hiking, photos | no comments

Waldo Canyon Wildflowers

From Waldo Canyon

The wildflowers were more numerous this year than I can ever remember them.

August 5th, 2009 Posted by | hiking, photos | no comments

Venable Falls

From Venable Falls

I spent the extra day at Horn Creek hiking up to Venable Falls. Lots of mosquitoes, but a great view at the top!

July 28th, 2009 Posted by | hiking, photos | no comments

Mountains of Frostbite

From Mount Yale

Last weekend, a couple marines and I completed a winter ascent of Mt. Yale. We started Friday around noon, hiked three miles along the snowmobile path (which is a road in the summer) to the trail head and another mile and a half to base camp. A good meal by the campfire and a lousy night’s sleep later, we started hiking the steep stuff at around 6am. Two and a half miles with 3000 foot elevation gain should be no problem, right? Well, we shortened the distance by going straight up the mountain, and it took us seven hours to get to the summit. Then, a ginger hike back down over the rocks and snow with a stiff wind in our faces that carried with it stinging popcorn snow, and a fast descent to camp had me worn out. But we packed up camp and hiked back to the trail head before dark. And then there was still the three mile slog with headlamps back to the car. My feet were cold most of the second day, since my boots didn’t have enough insulation. On the drive back to Colorado Springs, I realized that something was not right. Turns out I got a touch of frostbite, and a week later, my big toe is still half numb. Well, it was still a great hike. Assuming my foot gets better quickly, it was well worth it.

March 3rd, 2008 Posted by | hiking, photos | 3 comments