One day I got home from work and found five rabbits in my front yard!
Yesterday I downloaded the World English Bible using Firefox‘s DownThemAll extension. Then I added playlists and used Beyond Compare‘s impressive RegEx renaming function to make all the filenames consistent. Finally, I used EasyTAG to add ID3 tags. The result is a single .zip file that can be downloaded, uncompressed, and copied to just about any mp3 player. It will take up almost 800 MB. Please let me know in the comments if you find any mistakes. Enjoy!
For anyone having problems posting a comment: Sorry, that was my fault. I think it’s fixed now. However, I do require you to register so that I won’t get any spam. You can find the registration link on the login page, or here.
Well, my New Year’s resolution was to start a web log. So here it is. I’m the captain of my little site, so it’s Captain’s Blog (for now, unless I think of something better). Should I rename my website to Shafer’s Spaceship? Anyway, since my resolution was only to start one, and not to keep it going, I’m done! This year is a success! But I probably will still try to give it some sort of consistent look with the rest of my site. And who knows, maybe I’ll even post something every once in a while.