Captain’s Blog


I have seen six rainbows this summer (so far). This was the only one I took a picture of. It was in the DeB’s back yard. I had to take several pictures at wide angle to fit it all in, and then use Autopano Pro to stitch them together, which I think might have distorted the shape of the rainbow a little bit – aren’t they really a little flatter than that?

Photographer’s note: The wide angle on my lens is 17mm (x1.6 = 27mm equivalent on a 35mm camera). To get the whole arc of a rainbow requires an 11mm or less wide angle lens on my camera (Canon 20D), and to get the double rainbow requires an even wider angle than that. There is a Canon EF-S 10-22mm lens that would capture the first arc, but to get the second requires stitching at least two photographs together with panorama software.

September 13th, 2009 Posted by | photos | no comments